ketamine assisted psychotherapy

Ketamine helps the brain reorganize and form sparkling new connections, reshaping the neural circuits that govern our very emotions. During a ketamine session, individuals often report experiencing sensations of floating in outer space or feeling disconnected from their reality. While this may initially sound unconventional, there's more to it than meets the eye. These unique experiences have the potential to be a transformative therapeutic tool, allowing individuals to view their lives from a different perspective and better cope with life's challenges.

Therapy sessions, or integration, 24 hours after a ketamine session is like a treasure map for your mental health journey! During ketamine-assisted therapy, you get to explore the nooks and crannies of your mind, uncovering deep insights and emotions. But once the session ends, the real adventure starts! "Integration" is the buzzword for making sense of all your newfound treasures and applying them to your everyday life. This means chatting with your therapist, spotting patterns, and figuring out how to use these discoveries to make positive changes. Since ketamine therapy is still in its early stages, it's important to work with qualified healthcare professionals or therapists to make sure you're on the right path. Get ready to discover a whole new you!

Below are a few tips for your journey

Precision Intentions

The more precise, the better! Set specific intentions to enhance your focus and purpose for the session.

Positive Vibes Only

Keep it positive! Focus on what you want to cultivate and improve in your life instead of what you want to avoid.

Emotional Exploration

Be aware of the emotions you want to explore or heal. Ketamine can help you navigate and address these feelings.

Goal Setting

Plot out your personal goals and desires for the session. What aspects of your life are you looking to explore, heal, or grow?

Visualize Success

Imagine yourself achieving your goals and living the life you desire. Visualize success to manifest it into reality.

Embrace the Unexpected

Be open to unexpected insights and breakthroughs during the session. Flexibility and receptivity are key.

Our fantastic partner, Skylight psychedelics provides the Ketamine

we provide the therapy.